Visiting Scholars Program
The Visiting Scholars program at Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (CCAS) was established to accommodate visiting researchers who wish to use the facilities and faculty resources of Georgetown University for research purposes. The University extends its resources on a selective basis in the spirit of institutional collegiality and to foster the further development of knowledge.
Visiting Scholars at CCAS can be faculty at other universities, Ph.D. students undertaking research, scholars, or journalists. The proposed project must be one that is directly relevant and engaged with the Arab world. The current Visiting Researcher Fee at Georgetown University is $400 per semester. This required fee provides the scholar with a University identification card, the use of the Georgetown University Library System and other privileges. Visiting Scholars are expected to be in residence in the Washington DC area and participate in the intellectual life of the Center. Because of limited office space, the University does not formally offer space to Visiting Scholars/Researchers. Space permitting, however, CCAS will provide some work space for scholars working through the Center. We do not provide stipends or any other funds.
The Visiting Scholar will be asked to present a lecture/presentation relating to their topic as part of the Center’s Public Affairs program. In lieu of a presentation, the Scholar may choose to make herself/himself available to students for advising in topics relating to the Scholar’s study.
Application Requirements
- 1-page description of the research.
- A complete curriculum vitae (CV).
- Letters of recommendation, only if the applicant is a Ph.D. student.
- If the applicant is a graduate student doing dissertation research, a supporting letter from the student’s department Chair or Dean is also required.
- For visa purposes, non-U.S. researchers should provide the following additional information:
- a. Date, city, and country of birth;
- b. Country of legal residence and country of citizenship;
- c. Dates of arrival in and departure from the United States;
- d. Source of funding while in this country;
- e. Names of any family members who will accompany the Researcher as well as their dates of birth, country of birth, legal residence, and citizenship.
Applications are considered on a rolling basis by the CCAS faculty Executive Committee. The committee meets monthly. We recommend that applications for the fall semester be submitted by March 1st and applications for the spring semester by November 1st in order to ensure any visa requirements are met prior to arrival.
Send inquiries and application materials to CCAS Editorial Director Vicki Valosik at
General Information
Space is limited, but we provide:
- Shared office space (subject to availability)
- Georgetown University e-mail address
- Access to University library
Note: We do not provide stipends or other funds. The base Visiting Researcher Fee is currently $400 per semester. This supports researchers’ university affiliations as well as access to Georgetown University faculty and resources. Fall, Spring, and Summer are all considered semesters. Therefore, the fee is charged for each semester during which the researcher is affiliated with Georgetown University.
For Visiting Researcher purposes, the semesters are as follows:
- Fall: From the first day of Fall registration (late August) to early January
- Spring: From the first day of Spring registration (early January) to June 1st
- Summer: From June 1st to late August
Fall, Spring, and Summer are all considered semesters. Therefore, the base $400 fee is charged for each semester during which the researcher is affiliated with Georgetown University and must be paid at the start of each semester. For more information, please refer to the University’s academic calendars for the relevant semester or academic year, available on the University Registrar website.