K-14 Outreach
The Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown conducts professional development events for educators throughout the country at K-14 grade levels. The program helps teachers develop their knowledge about the Middle East and North Africa and its diverse cultures, histories, and religions, from a global perspective. Part of our funding for this work comes from a U.S. Department of Education grant designating us a National Resource Center on the Middle East and North Africa (NRC-MENA).
In its fourth decade, CCAS has served thousands of educators through workshops and institutes, teaching units and background modules, resources from past workshops, curriculum development, and a lending library. To learn more about or request any of the following services, please contact K-14 Education Outreach Coordinator Dr. Susan Douglass at Susan.Douglass@georgetown.edu or +1 (202) 687-7902.
Email List
Sign up to be added to the Education Outreach email list to receive notifications of upcoming events for educators (sponsored by CCAS and other organizations in the Washington D.C. area) and information on new teaching materials and other opportunities for teachers.
Speakers Bureau and Professional Development Workshops
The CCAS K-14 Education Outreach Coordinator, Georgetown faculty, students in the Master of Arts in Arab Studies program, and selected experts are available to make presentations in schools and community groups in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and across the United States. Customized professional development from a classroom talk to a full-day workshop can be arranged on topics suited to the needs of the group. Lead time of three weeks is required for planning with host institutions.
Lending Library
The outreach program maintains a lending library of resources for educators, including includes books, curriculum materials, maps, and films to supplement classroom teaching. These resources may be checked out for two weeks and can be picked up in person, or we can arrange to mail items to schools.
Consultation on Resources and Curriculum
The CCAS K-14 Education Outreach Coordinator is available for consultation on curriculum needs and issues. Teachers or curriculum specialists may contact the Center for advice on materials such as a film or novel to complement a unit they are teaching, for background information on a topic, or for summer curriculum development. Guidance counselors and ESL professionals also call for advice on sensitive cultural or religious issues. In addition, teachers may request speakers for their classrooms. To arrange for any of the services above, please contact K-14 Education Outreach Coordinator Dr. Susan Douglass at Susan.Douglass@georgetown.edu or +1 (202) 687-7902.