"Still Without End" by Giuliana Roviello; Courtesy of the Palestine Poster Project.
“Still Without End” by Giuliana Roviello; Courtesy of the Palestine Poster Project.


Finding objective teaching materials about Palestine can be challenging, especially when addressing both current events and their historical roots. To support educators in leading informed, balanced discussions in their classrooms, CCAS offers teacher workshops covering Palestinian history and culture, public lectures on contemporary events, and community teach-ins on topics such as the war in Gaza. Below you will find videos and resources from some of these events, which place ongoing developments in Palestine—past and present—within broader regional and global contexts.

Gaza In Context Teach-Ins

Video Series

CCAS has supported and contributed to the Gaza in Context Teach-In Series, which is part of the Palestine in Context Project, an initiative led by the Arab Studies Institute and supported by 21 partner organizations. The project convenes weekly conversations, teach-ins, and other activities that introduce our university communities, educators, researchers, and students, as well as the general public, to a host of issues related to the ongoing war on Gaza. This project has hosted prominent speakers such as Diana Buttu, a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and analyst based in Haifa; Rana Barakat, an associate professor of history at Birzeit University in Palestine; and Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University. You can watch videos from the events here

CCAS Public Events on Palestine

YouTube Playlist

CCAS has held numerous public lectures, workshops, and teach-ins on Palestine over the years, including many held in response to the 2023 war in Gaza. You can find videos from these events on the CCAS YouTube Palestine playlist