Rut Gomez Sobrino
Visiting Researcher
Rut Gomez Sobrino is a PhD candidate at the CEU San Pablo University in Spain, where she is finalizing her thesis on economics and law-information society with a focus on media development in the Arab region. She is also a lecturer on Media, Laws and Ethics at Amity University. Ms. Sobrino has worked at five United Nations agencies since 2007 (UNESCO, UNDP, UN Women, UNCDF and UNWTO) to implement projects; design advocacy campaigns; manage networks, platforms and communities of practice; and advise member states on strategic communications and partnerships. She has worked in Turkey, India, Senegal, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia and Jordan. Ms. Sobrino has also devoted her career to media development across the Arab region, producing toolkits, facilitating training and contributing to dialogue opportunities between authorities, civil society and journalists. A Spanish national, Ms. Sobrino earned a degree in communications from University CEU-San Pablo). She holds MA degrees in Communications (University Complutense), International Relations (Istanbul Bilgi University) and Euromediterranean Studies (Cairo University), and a Diploma in Development Management and a Certificate in Poverty Reduction, both awarded at the University of London (2010 and 2012 respectively). She is a visiting researcher at CCAS from September 2019 to May 2020.