Monday, August 6 to Friday, August 10, 2018, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University (CCAS Boardroom, Bunn Intercultural Center, ICC #141)
The Summer Teacher Institute for 2018 will focus on Chinese relations with the Middle East and Africa. The history of Chinese trade with the Middle East and Africa goes back centuries to the maritime and overland Silk Roads, and those connections are being renewed today as China’s economy and global footprint in foreign relations expands. China’s need for resources is the main driver of its increasing role in these two regions, but the depth of its involvement there has taken on political, social, and environmental dimensions as trade and investment grow. As a developing country and one that bore the brunt of European expansionism in past centuries, former colonized countries in Africa and the Middle East are looking to see how China exerts its new economic power. In order to understand these crucial developments and incorporate them into teaching, participants in STI2018 will learn from experts on the region and gain access to a wide range of resources for background reading and classroom engagement. Lunch provided daily.
Register here for STI2018.
IMPORTANT: This year, CCAS will provide a limited number of stipends to assist teachers from beyond the DC/Maryland/Virginia region to attend our summer institute. Applications will open soon, but pre-register now at the link above and indicate your interest in applying for such a travel grant on the form. We will email applications for the grants.
This event is made possible in part by a Title VI grant from the U. S. Department of Education, which is funding a National Resource Center of the Middle East and North Africa at Georgetown University, with additional funding from the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies for education outreach and public events.
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