book and laptop with ideas coming out of it

In addition to the content produced by or in collaboration with CCAS, our workshops and professional development offerings connect teachers with valuable resources from other academic programs, as well as governmental, non-profit, and cultural organizations. This page features a curated collection of materials we’ve found especially useful for teaching about the Middle East, including both CCAS materials designed for the general public, as well as lesson plans, multimedia content, and reference guides from external sources.

CCAS YouTube Channel

The CCAS YouTube channel features nearly 300 videos from our past public lectures and workshops organized by thematic playlists. Be sure to check out our Education Outreach playlist featuring videos from our past events for K-14 educators.

CCAS Newsmagazine

The flagship publication of the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies is the CCAS Newsmagazine. Each issue is themed around a timely topic related to the study of the MENA and features articles that are written by scholars and experts but geared toward general-audience readers. Print copies of the CCAS Newsmagazine are made available at teacher workshops, but digital copies and web articles for each issue can be found here.