Category: News

Title: MAAS Student Presents Paper on Migrants in Morocco

MAAS student Kaylee Steck presented her paper “A Study of Migrant Social Activism in Morocco” at the Association of Global South Studies in Marrakech, Morocco in December.

The conference was co-hosted by University Hassan II and Georgia College’s College of Arts and Science and Department of Philosophy and Liberal Studies. The conference was held December 14-16, 2017. The Graduate School supported Kaylee’s participation with a Conference Travel Grant.

Her paper focused on how undocumented migrants in Morocco, in the absence of formal channels for political and social participation, organize to demand their basic rights through a process she calls “claiming.” In her research, she drew on a number of sources, including those that only focus on those with official refugee status. Steck emphasized that “both undocumented migrants and people who seek refugee status have overlapping grievances and experience similar forms of marginalization.”